
Referral can be made by:

  • Self-referral by contacting the clinic directly on 01-2916153 or by e-mail to and making an appointment with Dr McGovern


  • a GP or other healthcare professional

Please e-mail Dr McGovern at or


call the clinic on 01-2916153

If a healthcare professional is making a referral please send a short e-mail with a few details about the patient’s problem under the following headings:

  1. Name of patient:
  2. Address & Contact Number of patient:
  3. Date of Birth:
  4. Presenting problem(s):
  5. Relevant medical History/Medication:
  6. Social circumstances and employment:

 The process begins with an initial consultation where the main problem is explored in a little detail and information is exchanged to assess the extent of treatment required. Sometimes this brief intervention alone can be useful and assist the person in taking the first steps to address their problem




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