The clinic does not treat heroin dependence. The treatment of choice for this condition is not available privately and you are advised to contact local services in your area as treatment is usually determined by post code.
Dr McGovern works in the public addiction treatment sector and has a wealth of experience treating heroin dependence. If you e-mail him on he may be able to point you in the right direction regarding availability of treatment of your area.
- The clinic does not deal with emergency calls. If you require immediate treatment you are advised to consult your GP or local hospital emergency services.
- The clinic does not treat persons under 18 and referral needs to be made, usually through a GP, to local adolescent addiction treatment services
- If you require telephone advice on an addiction related issue but are not seeking treatment you are advised to contact the HSE drugs helpline on 1800 459 459
- The clinic does not treat sexual disorders/ addiction or eating disorders and it is advised that you contact services that specialise in those areas.